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gigascale atmospheric hydrocarbon synthesis

Terraform Industries is scaling technology to produce cheap natural gas with sunlight and air. We are committed to cutting the net CO2 flux from crust to atmosphere as quickly as possible. As solar power gets cheaper, there will come a time when it is cheaper to get carbon from the atmosphere than an oil well. That time is now.

Product Information


August 2024: We have recently raised ~$15m (and counting) to accelerate development and deployment of the first full scale 1 MW Terraformers. We also added David Tsai (senior mechanical engineer) and Jon Martinez (electrical technician) to the team.

July 2024: We hired Lola Vars (DAC program lead) and Alicia Lomas (senior chemical process controls engineer). Ryan Okerson has moved over to the electrolyzer to leverage his experience setting up the Starlink solar array production line to build our first factory for serial production! We're excited to get our hard work into the hands of grateful customers in the coming months.

June 2024: We have been joined by super summer interns Sarine Papasian and Matt Easterling. We also traveled to the annual ARPA-E conference in Dallas, a major Schelling point for the US-based players in energy and fuels. It was good to compare notes and progress.

May 2024: We have been deep in the design phase of our next gen full scale deployment prototype, traveling to meet partners and investors, and recruiting incredible talent to push us to the next level. More soon!

April 2024: Terraform delivered carbon neutral pipeline grade synthetic natural gas to two utility partners, verifying purity and earning a green CH4 premium of $35/MCF, emphasizing the cost-effectiveness of our approach. We managed to achieve 99.4% methane purity with our Gen 4 chemical reactor, showing exceptional performance.

March 2024: Terraform completes the end to end demo, successfully producing fossil carbon free pipeline grade natural gas from sunlight and air. We also achieved green hydrogen at <$2.50/kg-H2 and DAC CO2 at <$250/T-CO2, two incredible milestones.

February 2024: We hired Arvind Nagarajan and Russell Newman to join the engineering team, both bring decades of experience at the highest levels of engineering. Nathan Schuh has also joined us to work on ramping electrolyzer production.

January 2024: Terraform won a DOE-funded study with Energywerx, with which we are completing our 45V eligibility life cycle analysis (LCA).

December 2023: We were joined by Brian Towle and Jett Ferm of Second Group Design to help with our winter fabrication push. They will work mostly on sorbent regeneration for our ground-breaking direct air capture of CO2 process.

November 2023: Our integrated solar-electrolyzer test rig successfully produced hydrogen at the predicted efficiency, validating our approach to low cost beyond-the-grid solar.

October 2023: Our Gen 3 reactor achieved >99% conversion of CO2 to methane. Our Gen 7 electrolyzer hit key purity and current density targets. Major congratulations to the team - both these achievements are on the edge of the impossible and they made them look easy.


Are you mechanically intuitive? Do you want to help solve climate change? Do you like working on big hardware projects? Terraform Industries is hiring motivated, self-directed people to build our development prototype platform. Send a page of evidence of execution ability to hiring@terraformindustries.com. This could be a resume listing prestigious schools and high GPAs, but it could also be a summary of an awesome project you built that showcases your world-saving skills. At Terraform we value candidates with a variety of backgrounds. You must have a track record of designing, building, and testing hardware. You are ambitious, independent, highly organized, and have excellent communication skills.

Technical Recruiter
Senior Electrical Design Engineer
Mechanical Technician
Junior Mechanical Engineer
Mechanical Engineer
Senior Mechanical Engineer

All roles are on site at our castle in Burbank.
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          Terraform Industries Global Headquarters
Are you an excellent recruiter? We get a lot of inbounds. To help us qualify your ability to match our needs, please send us your strongest candidate, a singular champion, as an exemplar of your talent hunting skill. We're not looking for software engineers.

Salespeople! We appreciate your persistence, but we almost never buy from unsolicited inbounds. To increase your chances of conversion, it is absolutely essential that your cold opening demonstrate deep intuitive understanding of our most important challenges and certainty that you or your product can solve them. We love learning something we don't already know.


The Future of Energy reading list
Terraform makes carbon neutral natural gas
Terraformers have positive environmental attributes
We need permitting reform to accelerate green energy deployment
How to Produce Green Hydrogen for $1/kg
Our Product: The Terraformer
Climate Tech Checklist
Terraform Industries Whitepaper 2.0
Building a carbon capture company
Scaling carbon capture
Terraform Industries Whitepaper
We're going to need a lot of solar panels

In The News

A sneaky mention in the New York Times
The Freethink Interview: Solar revolution turning sunlight into synthetic fuel
Theo Jaffee Podcast: Terraform, solar, space, Hyperloop, and how to think
Terraform Industries' synthetic fuel quoted in The Economist.
Terraform Industries converts electricity and air into synthetic natural gas for the first time, by Aria Alamalhodaei
Making Natural Gas from Thin Air, S3 podcast with Jason Carman
Future of Humanity's Energy, Terraform tour on S3 with Jason Carman
Gigascale Hydrocarbon Synthesis on First Principles with Christian Keil
Nerds on Patrol: Terraform Industries
In defence of solar on the Age of Miracles podcast
How to make the world carbon neutral on the Abundance Makers podcast
Chemical Engineer Dr Lucie Nurdin on Parlons Futur podcast (French)
Carbon-neutral energy abundance by 2050 is possible! (French)
Solar Energy Solves Global Warming by Tomas Pueyo
Terraform Industries wants to solve climate change by making more hydrocarbons by Aria Alamalhodaei
Industrializing Carbon Removal by Anna-Sofia Lesiv
Interview with CleanTechnica by Benjamin Schulz
Energy Media podcast with Peter Perri
Scaling Carbon Tech with Florian Fontaine-Papion
          O-H        O                              O-H       O                   H
         /          / \              H             /         / \      Ca-O       /
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         \          \ /                O-H         \         \ /        O-C=O    \
          O-H        O                              O-H       O                   H

 H        H-O                     H
  \	+    \  <---> O=O + H-H +  \
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                       O                        H   H
      H      H    H    \\        H      H-O      \ /
H-H +  \ +  /  +  |  +  C  <--->  \    +   \  +   C
        H  H      H     \\         O-H      H    / \                        
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                                                                             H   H
 H        H-O       O     H   H                       O     H        H-O      \ /
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   O-H        H   H   H     O                          O      O-H        H    / \
                                                                             H   H

    |               O                    O     H   H
  H-C-H  +  O=O  +  \\   ---> O=C=O  +  / \  +  \ /
    |                O                 H   H     O                           

Why does our website look like this? At TI we believe we can change the world by displacing fossil hydrocarbon production at global scale. Like our website, our machines are simple so we can build millions of them as quickly as possible. Our website embodies our cultural commitment to allocating resources where they solve the most important problems.